Scenario Parameters Dialog

The Scenario Parameters dialog box is displayed when choosing Add, Edit, or Duplicate from the Scenarios dialog box. This allows you to control the specifics of a scenario.


Scenario Name The name of the scenario. This name is chosen by the user and may contain any alphanumeric characters.

Parameter The name of the parameter as defined in the RTI (Run-Time Interface) definition dialog box invoked from the Macro editor.

Current Setting The current setting of the parameter.

Change Allows you to change the current setting of the parameter.

Reset All Resets all parameters to their default settings.

Please note

Only macros defined as RTI parameters will be displayed as parameters for the scenario. (See Macros.)

How to define a scenario:

1. Choose Scenarios... from the Simulation menu.

2. Choose the Add button.

3. Define the scenario name by typing text in the Scenario Name box.

4. Double click on the Parameter to bring up the parameter dialog box or select the Parameter and click the Change button.

5. Type the text in the box in the Parameter dialog box.

6. Select OK in the Parameter dialog box.

7. Repeat for every parameter desired.

8. Select OK in the Scenario Parameters dialog box.